ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

Hello iso (again)

Hi Leanne here.

It’s a bit of a tough gig isn’t it? Going back into hibernation.

But … for anyone who doesn’t know

  1. People in our immediate neighbourhood have COVID19 (despite being super careful)

  2. It’s super catchy (see above).

So don’t be in any doubt that community transmission is now happening right here - and take extra care.

I know it is a bit daunting, but in the end I think helpful to honestly acknowledge our reality and to also recognise that this is not something someone else will or can fix for us.

It really is going to need our individual and collective goodwill and action (or inaction as it may be), along with our kindness, understanding, good humour, resilience, flexibility, patience and love to get through this - in terms of our own (and our community’s) physical and mental health.

So I am trying to remember to take it easy on myself and others, to not react, to trust that everyone is likely as worried and antsy as I am, and to have faith that like me, everyone is doing their best in unchartered waters.

Obviously ACC will not be physically open in the next few weeks, but we will be here sharing these crazy times, thinking about and actioning ways we can keep connected - together but apart. And we’ll be posting daily on Instagram and Facebook (trying to ensure our posts are generally a bit more upbeat than this one). You can also sign up here to receive our weekly newsletter via your email inbox if you haven’t already.

If you need support please know we are only a phone call or email away. Just like last time you can contact us if you need practical things like meals or connections into other services, or if you need a one-off chat, a regular phone call … or anything else.

Think of us as your neighbourhood family!

Finally I thought I would leave you with this quote from stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, which someone else shared on the interwebs recently. Because I agree that stoicism could well be where we’re at.

