Alphington Community Centre

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Masks for sale!

UPDATE: We published this post at 2pm and by 5pm we’d sold out of mediums! We’re trying to source some more but we can’t promise anything. Feel free to email, especially if you want large or small … but PLEASE don’t come past if you haven’t heard from us!

The Alphington CWA has been sewing up a storm in the last week, making reusable 3 layer masks based on the pattern supplied by the Chief Health Officer earlier in the week.

Given that masks will now be mandatory from this coming Thursday, we’re very thankful that they were on the job so quickly!

If you’d like to buy one you can email us your order (we’ll email you back to confirm we have stock) and then you can pop past ACC on Monday from 12-2pm. They cost $10 each - all the profits will go back to the CWA. We will have about 70 for sale.

Use the link here to order. Please don’t come past ACC unless you have heard back from us - we’re trying to minimise face-to-face interactions.

Note we will pre-pack all masks into an envelope for you to minimise contact and time onsite. We do have an EFTPOS machine you can use if cash is a problem. If you want to pay cash please bring the correct change so we can minimise money handling.

So .. the details …

CWA has made masks in 3 sizes:

  1. small (for young kids … I’d say kinder and early primary school)

  2. medium (good for teenagers and adults)

  3. large (for larger faces obviously!).

There are a number of colours, and there are some images below, but at this point we’re expecting quite a lot of demand … so perhaps you’d just like to let us know for each mask you wish to purchase

  1. size, and

  2. design - your primary options are patterned or plain. If you have any colour preferences you can ask, and we’ll do our best but we can’t guarantee anything!

Please note, if we still have some left after tomorrow we will put a link on our website for further purchases.