Alphington Community Centre

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Community lunch recipes: jewelled pulao rice

The is the second in a series Indian recipes from our community lunches … by Kalimna.

This is a great way to make your regular rice a little bit special. Whenever we cook Indian for community lunch we include some variety of this recipe. It will go with any Indian dish.

The book I cook from all the time was gifted by a dear friend. I am taking the recipe for Pulao Rice from this and adding my favourite things to it. So here goes:


  • 500g basmati rice

  • 1 tsp cumin seeds

  • 2 cinnamon quills

  • 5 cardamom pods

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • 15 saffron threads soaked in 1 tblsp warm milk

  • 250ml coconut milk

  • 2 tblsp of fresh or frozen peas

  • 4 tblsp ghee

  • 2 tblsp chopped almonds

  • 2 tblsp sultanas or raisins

  • 2 onions finely sliced

  • rosewater

  • pomegranate seeds


Dry roast the cumin seeds in a frying pan.

Wash the rice in a sieve under cold water until it runs clear.

If you are like me and use a rice cooker to make your rice you add the cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, saffron, peas, sugar and coconut milk into the rice cooker then set the rice to cook.

While the rice is cooking heat the ghee in a heavy based frying pan and fry the almonds and raisins until browned, then remove. Next fry the onion in the same ghee until dark golden brown and set aside.

When the rice has cooked I recommend removing the cinnamon quill and the cardamon pods.

Then stir through the almonds, raisins and onion. Top with fresh pomegranate seeds and drizzle a few drops of rosewater before serving. You might also like to add some coriander leaves.

If you don’t have all the spices just try with what you do have in your pantry. Even just adding peas and the roasted cumin seeds while you cook your rice and then adding golden fried onion rings on top when you serve will make your rice so tasty.

Note that ghee can be bought at the supermarket but is also easily found at the Indian grocer.

MKS Spices and Things is a great local shop in Preston that is worth a visit just to soak up all the atmosphere! It has a wide variety of curry pastes and ingredients that aren’t available elsewhere, along with a fabulous takeaway section. Samosas and curries and yummy Indian desserts to explore if you really want to create an authentic Indian banquet at home. 258 High Street, Preston (north of Bell, south of the market).