ACC Online

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ACC Online

connecting our community

Darebin Parklands orienteering course

These days we’re always looking for new ways to get outside and enjoy what our local neighbourhood has to offer; something we don’t know too much about is orienteering.

We’ve had lots of positive feedback in response to our ACC Online updates - the recent one about our beautiful Darebin Parklands clearly struck a chord.

One of our ACC friends, Kathy, got in touch to tell us even more about this super-special place - did you know there’s an orienteering course? You can check out this Darebin Parklands Association Facebook post for details on orienteering in the Parklands using a map and your phone. Or as Kathy explains,

There's a description on the noticeboard in front of the rangers office that explains how to use it with an app MyOMaps Club so that as you approach each marker, your phone pings and gradually you get a record of your time, speed and distance covered (there's 30 markers dispersed through the area). My husband and I have done it twice now to give our walks a bit of variety. I imagine it would be fun to do it as a family and have some friendly competition.

Thanks Kathy! And for more information about orienteering generally, visit Orienteering Victoria’s website. Happy exploring!
