ACC Online

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ACC Online

connecting our community

Community lunch


At ACC we usually run community lunch once a month. Our lunch is supported by the lovely folk at Clifton Hill/North Fitzroy Community Bank, utilising food from SecondBite.

And it’s a big hoo-ha! We try to cook extra delicious food with a theme, and we are inspired by community driven recipes.

We set the tables with tablecloths and flowers. We have a poetry reading (thanks Brett), celebrate birthdays and have a wide variety of people from all over the neighbourhood attending.

In the last couple of years we’ve eaten banquets from around the world including Italian, middle eastern, Japanese, Thai, Greek, Mexican, American, even traditional English food. Recently we had a Chinese feast.

Typically we send people home with a meal of leftovers (if there are any) and other good things like fresh fruit, or yogurt or other wonderful surprises from SecondBite (we never know what we’ll get).

At the moment we are putting together a cookbook of some of our favourite recipes - and we’ll be publishing some of the best ones here along the way … so you can think fondly of community lunch (and us) if you choose to give them a crack at home.

We look forward to seeing all our regulars and welcoming newbies to this monthly event once things settle down.

And in the meantime we remind you that if you actually need a regular meal whilst we are apart, we can still provide one. Just give us a call and we’ll add you to our weekly meal drop off list!
