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ACC Online

connecting our community

ACC update


Just a quick update today on where we stand at ACC with reopening.

As of 1 June we can recommence more of our indoor programming (art and craft etc.) but it is still not possible to do any exercise classes inside (sorry line dancing friends).

And we are restricted in the numbers of people we can have in our centre. We must have 4 square metres per person. This will cut in half the number of people we generally have in each space.

We’re also getting advice and guidelines from other organisations - for example Playgroups Victoria has advised that playgroups should not recommence until next term. And Council has their own compliance guidelines for reopening their buildings that we need to work through carefully, along with a heap of guidelines from DHHS and Worksafe.

It’s all a bit complicated! So … we’ll be in contact with each group to work out an individual pathway that will likely feature some ‘blended’ online and in person arrangements as we transition.

In the meantime please note that we have quite a lot running remotely (using zoom, what’s app etc.) including:

  • Choir

  • Line dancing

  • CWA

  • Ukulele

  • Book clubs

  • Counselling

  • Food relief, and

  • Community art.

And of course our office remains open via phone and email (and will be increasingly womanned/personned onsite - although we will be continuing to follow the direction to work at home if we can).

If you are keen to join in any of the online programs, or any other programs when they restart face to face, please check out our brochure on the home page of our website for the contact details for each group.

Other news … our ramp is nearly finished! The book library is back, and our noticeboard is in place. Just rubbish removal and planting to go now. We’re getting there. Hooray.

ACC newsLeanne