Alphington Community Centre

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Happiness - and looking after ourselves each day

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve scattered our new little GIFs throughout our posts. These moving images are all about things we can do (no matter the circumstances) to improve our day and increase our happiness. Some of them are about self care - like eating and sleeping well and making a plan (so that you feel you have some control and direction). Some are about building connections with others - helping others, talking to friends, meeting neighbours and interacting positively with people in the street. Others are about getting out in nature and keeping fit. And then there’s some about the importance of growth - continuing life long learning and pursuing and enjoying your passions.

Last week we asked people in our community if we could put their voices over the top of the animations. Click below to see the final result! It’s lovely.

We’d really like to acknowledge funding support from Clifton Hill/North Fitzroy Community Bank for this project. And for supporting us more broadly to boost our online communications in these rapidly changing times. Thanks guys! We’re so lucky to have such an ace community bank in our neighbourhood.

12 things that we can all do to improve our day