ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

Update on re-opening etc.

You may have seen the chart that was published late last week by the Federal government - community centres are included in stage 1 re-opening. That includes us.

This week we’ve had further announcements by the Victorian government, and some clarification from NHVic, which is our peak body.

So, at the minute neighbourhood houses/community centres in Victoria can open for limited activities including 1. food relief, 2. mental health services including counselling and 3. outdoor activities including community gardening, yoga or walking groups. Staff-wise the message is that if you can work at home, you should work at home.

Really, for us, this means not a lot has changed. Anne is providing counselling from ACC, Jill is helping out with the food relief effort at Bridge Darebin and is delivering meals to our community on Tuesdays. Andy is collecting for the ASRC on Thursday mornings. Our gardening group is on the job reinventing the very front corner garden (thanks to Graham in particular).

In the office we are calling people, answering our phones and emails and writing regular updates. We’re primarily working remotely and … we’re getting lots of behind the scenes things done. Lots! I wont bore you with the office-y things (you will notice that our social media is now all streamlined though - hooray).

But … more interestingly … we’re getting landscape plans for our gardens drafted and we’re getting an undercover area built out the front of the community shed (we got a State government grant for this late last year).

Darebin Council has invested in our facilities too recently: our ramp is being completed and we will also have a new front door so our lobby/entrance will be transformed from a breezy breezeway to a little room which is going to be great; our windows have all been assessed and, if needed, laminated to comply with current safety standards; and we’re just so thrilled with the new artwork on the wall out the front. It’s lovely!

As you may also be aware, our kitchen has recently been renovated (new fridge purchased with a Federal Grant and a dishwasher and some reorganised cabinetry thanks once again to Darebin Council).

Combined with new storage around the centre (a grant from the Federal government last year), and some painting updates along with the installation of a hanging system supported by a grant from Clifton Hill/North Fitzroy Community Bank, we’ve really tried to maximise everything to make the most of our relatively small space.

So … in summary, we’re not fully open yet. But we’re busy! … connecting with people through phone calls, emails and our blog. And we’re particularly looking out for the most vulnerable in our community. Then… we’re also making the most of this time to finish off and consolidate all the things.

New storage, new hanging system, white window frames.

New storage, new hanging system, white window frames.

Graham has given all the existing plants in the very front corner garden a severe haircut, and is starting to plant out a new native garden. How exciting for us all, and the native birds, bees and bugs that hang out in our leafy lovely neighbourhood!

Graham has given all the existing plants in the very front corner garden a severe haircut, and is starting to plant out a new native garden. How exciting for us all, and the native birds, bees and bugs that hang out in our leafy lovely neighbourhood!
