Mastermind challenge
We love board games and card games in our family. Every school holidays we go away to the beach or the farm and spend endless hours playing games. In the last couple of weeks we’ve been cracking out our holiday games at home, on an increasingly regular basis.
We’ve accumulated some great new ones in the last year or two - like Catan, Splendor and Sets. You should check them out if you like games! And we’ve got lots of oldies that are well worn and much loved too (like Cluedo, Rummikub, Upwords … and Mastermind).
On Thursday we paused mid-morning (me work, the kids breakfast - they’ll be in for a rude shock next week when school starts online and they have to check in before 11am) for a couple of games of Mastermind. And I thought just for fun I’d share them with you. So we can feel like we’re interacting and all!
If you haven’t played before, the aim is to guess the hidden pattern. And all you get are key peg clues (they’re on the left).
The white key pegs mean you have one pattern peg in your pattern that is a colour of a peg in the hidden pattern, but it’s not in the right spot. The black key peg means you have one pattern peg in your pattern where the colour matches and it’s in the correct spot in the hidden pattern.
Here we go. The first one I played with India.
Game 1. Can you guess the pattern? All the clues are there.
The second game I played with Scarlett.
Game 2. Scarlett’s game went a bit longer …
You can email me your answers here and I’ll let you know if you were right.