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ACC Online

connecting our community

Do you need a meal delivered?

Reservoir NH, Bridge Darebin and Rotary Preston working together to ensure food relief/support is coordinated and scaling-up across Darebin

Reservoir NH, Bridge Darebin and Rotary Preston working together to ensure food relief/support is coordinated and scaling-up across Darebin

Are you eating well? Is someone you know struggling with cooking?

If you or others you know in the neighbourhood could benefit (due to age, finances, physical or mental health etc.) from a precooked frozen meal or two arriving on the doorstep once a week whilst we are all stuck at home please contact us.

ACC is currently delivering to over 30 people/families a week who need extra support at this time - so know that you are not alone.

Darebin’s neighbourhood houses are working with Rotary, Foodbank and Lentil as Anything to coordinate food relief/support across the municipality for hundreds of households a week. And the numbers are growing.

And, please note that if you are really struggling financially we can also hook you into fresh food and pantry staples that can delivered to your doorstep via a partnership between the neighbourhood houses and Uber. Supermarket vouchers are also available via funding from Darebin Council through DIVRS.

To find out more just call us on 9499 7227. Or email us here. We will help you sort out what you need.
