Alphington Community Centre

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Books on the street

As you know we have been very excited to present our fun street activation project, Blind Date with a Book, on Station Street. Now in its 5th week (I think it is), this project has been a collaboration between ourselves, Darebin Libraries and Fairfield Books … with Three Locals helping us out by storing the stand, stocking it and putting it out on the street a couple of days a week.

Many of the books that have been wrapped up so far have come from the weeded stock at Darebin Libraries, and we thank the lovely Jody who manages the Darebin Book Clubs for finding us some super stories. Other books have been donated to us by locals. Thanks friends!

And this week we went and picked up the new books we purchased as part of the project, from Fairfield Books. This project is not just about street activation and place making, but also about economic recovery … and what better way to help businesses recover after this super tough year, than to spend some money with them right?

So … keep an eye out for Blind Date with a Book out the front of Three Locals … you might just get the latest Margaret Atwood … or another new title in the coming week or two.

Once again we thank Darebin Council for funding this project through their Business Recovery Grants program.