ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

And … we’re back, nearly

Have you noticed our gardens are looking much tidier? Local gardener Lily has done a great job over the last couple of weeks to get everything back in order … even our back storage area has been swept and tidied. Thanks Lily!

On to other news … we had confirmation on Thursday that we can restart Women in the Shed. We’ll be very happy to welcome our enrolled participants back. The 2 classes will be starting up on 9 and 10 November. Hooray!

Please note this program is currently oversubscribed … however we do have a waiting list if you are keen to join in next year! You can email us here.

We’re also getting organised to run weekly morning teas out on the corner on Fridays at 11am.

These will commence on Friday 20 November. Put it in your diary - we’d love to see you! In the meantime we’re finalising a fancy outdoor kitchen under the community shed pergola. Kalimna has been working with Matt who is a local (and by chance a playgroup dad) to deliver this wonderful new resource.

And Jenny has been looking into catering trolleys and thinking about what we need, to bring all the things outside from inside … she’s also looking at safety processes around food in corona times …

Then … Jen has finished her fancy welded tables … and will be delivering them soon, increasing our artiness in the garden AND our capacity for outdoor meeting. Which is exactly what we need right?

All of a sudden it is all happening. So, see you next week at ACC. Yikes! We haven’t said that for a while.

ACC news, community, programsLeanne